Professional Agile Leadership - Essentials (PAL-E)

Date Location Language Trainer Price (Net) Places available

23.06.2025 – 24.06.2025


German Yevhen Domchenko 1.450 EUR 1.350 EUR 15 Book

Helping Leaders Understand their Role in Enabling Agile Transformation

The Professional Agile Leadership EssentialsTM (PAL-E) is a 2-day hands-on workshop that uses a combination of instruction and hands-on exercises to help managers and other leaders who work directly with agile teams understand how to best support, guide, and coach their teams to improve their agile capabilities. The workshop provides a foundation for the role that leaders play in creating the conditions for a successful agile transformation. Leaders and managers are critical enablers in helping their organizations be successful, yet the role of leaders and managers in an agile organization can be quite different from what they are used to.  This workshop uses a  combination of instruction and team-based exercises to help participants learn how to form and support agile teams to  achieve better results, and how to lead the cultural and behavioral changes that organizations must make to reap the benefits of an agile product delivery approach. 


PAL E LogoBecoming an agile organization is a profound transformation that requires senior leaders, middle managers, and agile team members to change the way that they organize their work, manage that work, and measure the results of the work. Agile teams cannot do this on their own; they need help from the entire organization. The changes for all involved are profound, but so are the results when everyone's goals and ways of working are aligned. 

This class can be delivered on-site, in a specific organization, to help its leaders understand their important role in transforming their organization, or in a public class setting.

Learning Content

  • An understanding of how agility can help you improve your organization's performance
  • An understanding of how you, as a manager or leader, can help your organization achieve the benefits of agility
  • An understanding of how culture and values influence your organization's ability to reap the benefits of agility
  • Practical skills for helping to guide and coach agile teams, and to help them remove impediments
  • An understanding of how to measure the benefits and impacts of agility in your organization

Learning Objectives

  • You will understand where and how agility can help your organization improve, by addressing challenges you can solve in no other way. You will also understand how agile teams work and what you, as a manager or leader, can do to help them to improve.
  • You will also be able to quantify the benefits of improving the agility of your organization through concrete measures.

This training is aimed at:

  • Management / Executives (CxO)
  • Product Owner / Product Manager
  • Scrum Master


Der Kurs Professional Agile Leadership - Essentials ist für Manager und Personen in Führungspositionen, einschließlich Product Owner und Scrum Master gedacht, die die Fähigkeit Ihres Unternehmens verbessern möchten, um auf Marktchancen, Wettbewerbsdruck oder Innovationsmöglichkeiten zu reagieren. Ebenso ist er für Menschen geeignet, die für die Einführung und Etablierung agiler Methoden und Techniken in einem Team oder einer Organisation verantwortlich sind.

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All participants who complete the Professional Agile Leadership - Essentials course will receive a password to take the Professional Agile Leadership I (PAL I) certification exam. PAL-E course participants who attempt the PAL I exam within 14 days of receiving their free password and do not score at least 85% will receive a second attempt at no additional cost.


2 Day(s) On-site training
2 Day(s) Remote training

Payment methods:

  • Invoice
  • Credit card
  • GooglePay

Required Tools:

Access to the necessary tools is provided by KEGON for the training.

  • Zoom
  • Miro
  • Slack
  • Menti

Language: German.

Documentation language: English

Lunch included in the price for on-site training:


Are you interested in public training? 

Contact us, we will be happy to advise you!

KEGON Academy-Team

If you have general questions, you can find our FAQs here.

Are you interested in in-house training? 

Contact us, we will be happy to make you an offer!

KEGON In-House Training

If you have general questions, you can find our FAQs here.

Are you interested in training in Switzerland?

Contact our Swiss colleagues at:

KEGON Schweiz GmbH

Each Swiss training course includes one hour of individual coaching.